Sunday, March 20, 2022

Marry Me (2022) Review

     Marry Me stars Gigli star Jennifer Lopez as Jennifer Lopez and that “wow” guy who is sometimes in a Wes Anderson film. That’s right Bill Murray! Wait no not him. Luke Wilson’s brother. They get married at a concert. Well it wasn’t legal. The film is a more dull “Notting Hill” starring J.Lo. It’s essentially a Hallmark film where two people are somewhat attracted to one another, something prevents them from staying together, and in the end they overcome such obstacles. 

   Want to see the film? Well just watch the trailer. That’s the whole movie told through two minutes. I only saw it because someone wanted me to write a review on it. So the chemistry… there isn’t any. Marky Mark and the plastic plant had more chemistry in The Happening and I hated that film. Marry Me should have been called Divorce Me. Since they probably won’t last.

  The plot if you want to call it that is about a divorced middle-aged middle school math teacher who wants so desperately to look cool to his daughter. So when his annoying co-worker played by the ever so annoying Sarah Silverman invites him and his daughter to a J.Lo concert. How could he say no? He holds up a “Marry Me” sign at the concert. Right when J.Lo is about to go on stage to perform the song “Marry Me” she finds out her partner has cheated on her and ends things. So when she finally goes out on stage she sees Luke Wilson’s brother holding the sign, she pulls him on stage, and they get married. That’s the film. Don’t watch it. Stay away from it. Almost as bad as Gigli. This film feels like Lifetime Channel and the Hallmark Channel decided to join forces to make the worst romantic comedy to date. It’s just one long J.Lo music video featuring Luke Wilson’s brother.

  0 out of 5

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