Sunday, May 6, 2012

Daredevil (2003) short sweet Review

“Violence doesn't discriminate. It hits all of us... the rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick. It comes as cold and bracing as a winter breeze off the Hudson. Until it sinks into your bones... leaving you with a chill you can't shake. They say there's not rest for the wicked. But what about the good? The battle of Good vs. Evil is never-ending... because evil always survives... with the help of evil men. As for Daredevil, well... soon the world will know the truth. That this is a city born of heroes, that one man CAN make a difference.”
    As a kid I read a lot of DC comics, but when I dived into Marvel there were only a few of their heroes I liked, such as: Daredevil, Punisher, and Captain America to name a few. So I was thrilled when I heard there was going to be Daredevil film coming out. Oh how I was not prepared for the big disappointment that followed. When those credits rolled I was quite full of anger because Daredevil lacked character, was dull and stiff, and wasn’t likable at all like he is in the comics. I blame Ben Affleck’s terribly pathetic acting skills.  It felt like he was simply reading off his cue cards word for word. All the other actors were the same way.
   Seemed like everyone involved with the film wanted it to fail. The directing was terrible along with that script. Then they decided to repeatedly copy “The Matrix” with the slow motion. It became bothersome after the first minute of it. Not to mention it all looked fake with that CGI they were using. So throughout this whole film I was sitting in my seat wanting it to be over. I was hoping that all the characters got into one big fight and killed each other. The film had so much potential and Hollywood once again screwed it up.
Theatrical Cut 1.1 out of 10
Directors Cut 1.3 out of 10

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