Saturday, March 4, 2017

Fist Fight (2017) Review

“Teachers can’t fight!”
   When the trailer for Fist Fight came on in the cinema, I recall looking at my friend and shaking my head no. On one hand it looked extremely stupid and on the other it made me laugh thinking of my mother picking a fight with another teacher. The film looked a lot like a poorly done Comedy Central tv movie. I tried going into the movie with an open mind, but right off the bat I couldn’t help but to cringe. A comedy that didn’t once give me a laugh and even some of the worst comedies have managed to make me laugh or smile. Not this film.
  I have never been so bored by a film and I’ve sat through the Transformers films.  It’s a shame Charlie Day, Ice Cube, Christina Hendricks, and Tracy Morgan were involved in such a terrible film. Charlie Day is a comedic genius especially in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Ice Cube is a good musician and has shown acting promise with Boyz N the Hood and Friday. Christina Hendricks was one of the best things about Mad Men. Then there is Tracy Morgan who was so good in 30 Rock and Scare Tactics. It’s just such a shame that they were all in this movie and I was questioning why I was even in the theater myself. The writing felt like a child who is still in kindergarten wrote it. Instead of watching this trash you should watch Three O’ Clock High, which the film is loosely based on.  Just save your money and don’t see the film.

0 out of 5

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