Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Adventures of Tintin (2011) review

      I have been a Tintin fan ever since I first saw the cartoon when I was a small child. Years passed and I discovered the comics along with finding the complete animated series (which was bootlegged). I read the Tintin comics innumerable times, so I’d call myself a fan of Tintin. When I first saw the trailer to the film, by god I was thrilled. After reading some good reviews on the film, I decided to go see it in IMAX 3D with some friends, I thought it would be at least okay… I was dead wrong. I watched it… *sigh* it was god awful. A very poorly made film indeed. It’s a film for insomniacs because if you have difficulty falling asleep, this film would lend a hand. Actually half the people were asleep in the cinema. I tried to watch it, I very much wanted to like it, and my friends wanted to like it too but they were uninterested. For it is boring, irritating, motionless, and just plain annoying much like Tintin himself in the film.
  The film is a total disaster. Come on Hollywood! It’s the 21st century and you guys are still passing garbage like this as a movie? What happened to the good animated films like The Iron Giant and My Neighbor Totoro (which I will do reviews on soon)?!
   There are many things that made this film rubbish. 1) The story is empty, so imagine it’s a Michael Bay film. 2) The characters! This is where I hated the film the most. The villain Sakharine was never a villain in the series, simply an art collector. 3) The editing! The development of the story was ruined with rushed pace and all the action scenes. 4) The visuals aren’t spectacular; Polar Express was much better visual wise. 5) Sadly the music had nothing special to it. It was so sad to see, one of the greatest composers of our time, John Williams doing something that felt like he didn’t care.
   Spielberg and Jackson’s luck ran out with this so called film. I wanted to imagine that all of it was just a bad dream gone wrong so it doesn’t ruin the comics and classic animated series for me. For most Tintin fans, this will be a major disappointment. This film brought back terrifying memories of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It just made no sense; Spielberg blew it up big time. Spielberg, Jackson, and everyone involved should be embarrassed of themselves. To take such a masterpiece and turn into this typical Hollywood form of nothing. It’s a shameless massacre of my childhood memories. 
2 out of 5

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